You’re Never Too Old To Be Fascinated By The Universe

February 13, 2024

At 96 Years Young, Shirley Has What It Takes To Make It Happen

With two of her children Robert and Sue,  Shirley reached for the stars with Honeysuckles Astronomy Tours. The night was mild and the sky clear displayed a Milky Way proud of its boldness and beauty. In autumn, as the Southern Cross and Pointers begin their ascent high in the sky the magnificent constellation of Orion begins its slow retreat westward, warning that cooler months are coming and the few warm months left should be enjoyed.

We enjoy delving into different features in the sky and distances of stars and milky objects that the eye can see, giving some meaning and scale to the unfathomable vastness of it all. The two bright stars that are the Pointers are a magic place to start. Easy to see in the sky, together they look like close and inseparable friends never to be parted. And yet, one is 100 times further out into space from us than the other… Separated they are indeed and yet they look anything but … Shirley did not participate in as much observing as Rob and his sister Sue, but she enjoyed looking up and hearing the stories of the stars. You are never be too old to be fascinated.

“Bruce’s Astronomy tour was very good and very interesting. The quiet little hideaway, by the ocean in so serene. Thanks again Bruce; we all had a great time away. Cheers Shirley, Rob and Sue. Keep up the good work.”
Rob        Google

For further enquiries contact Honeysuckles Astronomy Tours and we will be happy to discuss your requirements with you.
Call Bruce +61 412 100 501 or email